The Hunt Society

Aether | Jenova | Empyreum
Ward 4 | Plot 56 | Ste. 8

Welcome to the Hunt Society! Here, Registered Hunters have access to everything they could ever need to go out and take on the monsters of Hydaelyn! Rank up and take on riskier hunts for bigger rewards! Not in the mood to pick? Try an expedition and see what you can find! Or hang out in the Hub, grab a meal, read up on your prey, and even get in an arm wrestle or two! Let's have a good hunt!



Barrel Wrestling!

Let the Hunting Begin!!


Barrel Wrestling!

More than just a fun way to relax and goof off, Barrel Wrestling is a means for Hunters to really get a grip on the tools of the trade; THEIR POWERFUL MUSCLES!!!
. . .
Rolling muscles, that is!
Two participants are needed! Each starts with 10 HP! Both hunters roll a 20 (/random 20) and the player with the highest number rolls a 4 (/random 4) doing that much damage to the other's HP! When a Hunter drops to 0, they are defeated and the Hunter left standing wins!BUT! There are some quirks! If you roll a 20, you get to roll 4 twice! If you roll a 1, your opponent gets to roll 4 twice! All ties result in a re-roll!May the dice be in your favor and the best Hunter win!